As an online facilitator, this environment does pose some challenges that a trainer in a live instructor-led environment might not encounter:
- It is essential that the facilitator actively engage each student. Because the class in not all physically in one place, the use of polling, breaking the class down into sub-groups to encourage collaboration, and offering each student the opportunity to comment on a regular basis is critical in keeping the attention of each learner.
- Visuals play a key role in an online training environment. Since the facilitator can not engage the student with body language or the use of a flip chart, the slides presented during online training need to be visually effective in drawing in the audience. They should be simple, but project an accurate image of what the trainer is trying to communicate.
- Lastly, for the on-line facilitator, building trust with their class is critical. Since the learner cannot easily read the expression on the face of the trainer, the learner needs to feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions to the virtual classroom community. And because many of their views will be projected not verbally, but in a written form, it is that much more important that the student trusts that their views will respected and valued, not just by the facilitator, but the entire class.
Good job Toni!
ReplyDeleteAs you are going through the rest of our classes, I would challenge you to cast yourself in the role of the instructor and imagine what you might do and ways that perhaps the classroom could be more effective, more visually appealing and more collaborative. All of the things you mention are challenges and as you perfect your skills as a training professional and hopefully have an opportunity to facilitate your own online classes, reflecting on your experience as a learner will be one of the most instrumental ways that you will perfect your practice as a leader!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I look forward to more!